Hari ini tepat tanggal 1 bulan ke 1 tahun 2009 (tahun baru), PR juga ikut baru. Hee... .. Benarkah blog yang masih mungil ini PR-nya dikasih baru juga? Ya ternyata benar. PR singkatan dari PageRank ini ternyata update hari kemarin. Dan blog ini dikasi PR 4 oleh Google PageRank yang semula dari PageRank 1, dan semoga aja tidak turun untuk seterusnya. PR 4 kan lumayan bisa dipake untuk main paid
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Selamat Tahun Baru 1430 H & 2009 M
SELAMAT TAHUN BARU 1430 H dan 2009 MTidak terasa hari ini adalah hari terakhir tahun 2008 dan pastinya besok pagi adalah hari pertama tahun 2009. (Waktu sungguh cepat berlalu... ) Untuk itu saya pemilik pribadi blog ini mengucapkan Selamat tahun baru 1430 H dan 2009 M kepada semua teman-teman Blogger ugiQ dan semua pembaca blog ini. Semoga tahun 2009 akan membawa banyak perubahan yang lebih
Posted by Adj Or at Tuesday, December 30, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Personal
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Top Search 2008 Versi Google
Taukah anda kata-kata (keyword) yang paling banyak dicari orang selama tahun 2008? Mau tau? Bayar seribu!! Hee... Setelah pesaing terdekatnya, Yahoo merilis daftar pencarian kali ini Google menggemas semua Top search 2008 dalam Google Zeigeist 2008. Kata Zeigeist dianggap sangat tepat untuk mewakili pencarian paling banyak selama 2008. Menurut Google pencarian-pencarian oleh pengguna internet di
Posted by Adj Or at Tuesday, December 23, 2008 0 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
Selamat Hari Ibu Ke - 80
Mumpung belum terlambat, saya mau ngucapin Selamat Hari Ibu yang Ke-80. Berbahagialah mereka yang menjadi ibu. Lantaran kepada ibulah kehidupan ini berutang demikian besar. Karena ibu, kehidupan bisa terus mengalir. Ibu adalah perawat dan penjaga kehidupan. Ibu adalah sosok penjaga kehidupan yang tulus. Ibu adalah pendidik yang utama dan pertama bagi anak-anaknya. Ibu adalah pengasuh yang tulus,
Posted by Adj Or at Monday, December 22, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Personal
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Alexa Rank Saya Kok Turun Drastis ya?
Ada apa denganmu Alexa? Hee.... Kemarin sempat online sebentar setelah hari-hari sebelumnya gak pernah online karena sibuk terus ama tugas-tugas kampus (sok sibuk... ), dan kemarin sempat bengong sebentar, kenapa? Soalnya alexa rank blog ini tiba-tiba turun drastis, dari 4 ratusan ribu ke 8 ratusan ribu. Wah gimana nich nona alexa. Jangan-jangan nona alexa lagi sebel nih ama blog ini? Apa kerena
Posted by Adj Or at Thursday, December 18, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Anggun C Sasmi
A bit Profile of Anggun C Sasmi
Birth name : Anggun Cipta Sasmi
Born : April 29, 1974 (1974-04-29) (age 34) Jakarta, Indonesia Origin Jakarta, Indonesia
Genre(s) : Pop,French pop,Pop/Rock,Adult Contemporary,Dance,World Music,R&B
Occupation(s) : Singer-songwriter
Instrument(s) : Vocals, Piano
Years active : 1981 - Present
Label(s) : Heben Music, Warner Music
Website : www.Anggun.com
Anggun Point of view about UU APP (Anti Pornografi dan Pornoaksi)
She accomplished this by telling a story about some women who had inspired the lyrics to be found in the “In Your Mind” song. She told of women who had suffered in societies that restricted the freedom of women generally. She then said:
"(Saya lahir di negara Islam. Saya Islam. Tapi saya sangat prihatin kalau negara saya jadi terbelakang seperti itu. Karena Islam itu mengenal yang namanya toleransi. Saya tidak mendukung negara yang bikin generasi mudanya frustrasi.)"
And here the lyrics be:
I don’t want to believe
And i don’t want to live
By the excuses
Of your weakness
’cause a woman should do
What she wants to do
There is no reason
For your shallow aggravation
Nothing wrong with this dress I wear
Nothing wrong with this smile I dare
Nothing wrong with my long black hair
I’ts all in your mind, in your mind
Nothing wrong with this legs you see
Nothing wrong with this lean body
And nothing wrong with the woman in me
Its’ all in your mind, in your mind
I just want to be sure
Don’t want anymore
You’re calling out names
Oh what a shame
Just open your mind
Then maybe you’ll find
That there’s no reason
For your shallow aggravation
This is the time
To change your mind
There’s still a chance
To change your mind
It’s plain to see
From anywhere that the only thing wrong
Is your irritating mind
REMEMBER IT's ONLY IN YOUR MIND................................
Posted by Adj Or at Thursday, December 11, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Anggun C Sasmi, Pornografi dan pornoaksi, RUU APP
Make your blog more interesting
Hi guys it's me Oline or yantizho... I'm gonna telling you a bit stuff and way about "How to make your blog more interesting ", the interesting comparison and looks of your blog will make your guests or visitors feel comfort and stay along on your blog, so' all you have to do is just make your blog be more interesting and design your template, scheme or create and add some stuff that will make your visitors visit your blog again and again....................
Putting up your business blog is an advantageous way of establishing your presence on web. It’s no longer just about putting plain texts up on your blog. With continuing stream of new software, publishing tools and plug-ins, today’s blogger have the means to create interesting and fun blogs. Here are some of them.
1. Put photos on your blog. You can try this free software called "Hello", found at http://hello.com.
2. Add audio clips. Try http://www.AudioBlogger.com and follow instructions.
3. Put streaming video clips on your blog. One of the emerging service providers of video clips is the http://instantvideogenerator.com.
4. Syndicate your contents. You can use the more popular RSS format. You can do this by checking the web for companies that offer this service.
5. Provide space for your readers to give you feedback by checking your blog setting and modify this to allow posts. Of course, leave a reminder, that they are free to post contrary comments as long as they do it in a polite and considerate manner.
6. What do the majority of your readers think of your blog? Do you want to know and tally this up? And show off the results on your blog? Run polls. Some examples of free poll service are the web poll central and free polls.
7. If you you use WordPress, a server-installed, open-source (free) state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability, try their email notification plug-in. This plug-in notifies your subscribers of your blog posts through email.
8. Trackback is a great blog feature, for it allows for a continuing conversation between you and bloggers of similarly themed blogs. When you comment on another blog posting in your blog instead of in that blog's comments page, the trackback link connects these posts so the thread isn’t lost.
All of these software or plug-ins will help you illustrate your point in a fun and interesting way. But you should remember content is king on the net. These devices are not substitutes for great content, which is what really what drives traffic to your blog.
Copyright 2005 Mal Keenan
Posted by Adj Or at Thursday, December 11, 2008 0 comments
Labels: design blog, Interesting blog, make your blog more interesting
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Karyawan Baru Yang Sial
Ada seseorang yang baru diangkat menjadi karyawan di sebuah Perusahaan Nasional, sebut saja si Amad. Di perusahaan tersebut dia mendapat fasilitas yang begitu lengkap, ada AC, meja dan kursi baru yang empuk, komputer pentium IV, printer laser jet, dilengkapi aksesoris lainnya seperti scanner, modem de el el. Di hari pertama masuk kerja, Amad langsung disuruh bossnya untuk membuatkan surat
Posted by Adj Or at Tuesday, December 09, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Humor
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Adha 1429 H
Saya hanya mau ngucapin SELAMAT HARI RAYA IDUL ADHA 1429 H, bagi seluruh umat muslim yang merayakannya dan mohon maaf lahir dan bathin.Bila ada kesalahan ugiQ, maafin ya fren2 . . . . .
Posted by Adj Or at Sunday, December 07, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Personal
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Radiasi Ponsel Sebabkan Kerusakan Otak
Bagi yang suka berlama-lama dalam menggunakan telepon seluler, sebaiknya harus waspada. Pasalnya, sebuah penelitian terungkap, radiasi yang dihasilkan telepon seluler dapat menyebabkan kerusakan memori, sehingga dapat mempercepat penyakit pikun. (Gawat nich...) Penelitian yang dilakukan Lund University, Swedia, seekor tikus diuji coba dengan diberi radiasi telepon seluler dua jam dalam sepekan
Posted by Adj Or at Saturday, December 06, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Berita
Monday, December 1, 2008
Akhirnya Harga Bensin Turun Juga
Pada info yang sebelumnya, bahwa ada kemungkinan tahun 2009 harga BBM akan turun, eh malah belum tahun 2009 udah turun, horeee...Akhirnya datang juga harga premium alias bensin turun juga hari ini (01 desember 2008), biarpun turunnya cuma Rp 500,- per liter tapi lumayan juga kan? Ketimbang nggak turun sama sekali. Ya nggak? Nih kutipan beritanya: "Terhitung berlaku mulai pukul 00.00 Wib tanggal
Posted by Adj Or at Monday, December 01, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Berita
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Buah Apel Menghilangkan Batuk
Apabila anda terserang batuk sampai gak dapat bersuara, tentunya sangat menyiksa sekali. Apalagi kalo udah diobati dengan beberapa macam obat, tetapi belum ada hasilnya. Wah bisa jadi gawat tuch.. Nah bagi yang batuknya blum sembuh juga, cobalah resep di bawah ini:siapkan buah apel sebanyak 3 kg. Pilih apel yang belum dimakan ulat. Cuci bersih apel tersebut sampai tidak ada kotoran yang
Posted by Adj Or at Tuesday, November 25, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Humor
Friday, November 21, 2008
Tips Membuka Tab Firefox yang Tertutup
Pada browser Mozila FireFox terdapat fitur bernama tab browsing dimana user (pengguna) bisa menjelajahi internet dan membuka halaman web pada tab yang terpisah dalam satu window. Jadi tidak perlu membuka banyak window jika ingin membuka banyak situs sehingga taskbar terlihat penuh. Namun seringkali user (kita) tanpa sengaja menutup tab browser yang sebenarnya masih ingin dijelajahi karena ada
Posted by Adj Or at Friday, November 21, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Internet, Tips dan Trik
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Prosesor, Otaknya Komputer
Sebenarnya nama aslinya adalah Central Processing Unit (CPU). Tapi lebih sering disebut microprocessor, dan lebih sering lagi hanya processor. Perannya terbilang sentral, karena prosesor yang menentukan apa yang harus dikerjakan oleh komputer. Misalnya, sistem operasi yang dapat digunakan, software yang dipakai, berapa besar listrik yang dibutuhkan, seberapa stabil sistem berjalan, dan tentu
Posted by Adj Or at Thursday, November 20, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Komputer
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tips Mempercepat Start Up PC
Mungkin kita pernah ataupun sering merasakan lambatnya proses start up PC. Pasti pernah kan? Nah, untuk mengatasi biar cepat proses startupnya, ada beberapa langkah-langkah sederhana yang harus kita lakukan. Pertama, coba klik [Start] kemudian klik [Run]. Pada boks yang muncul ketik "msconfig" dan tekan [OK]. Sebuah dialogue-box akan muncul, pilih tab [Startup]. Tab tersebut menunjukkan
Posted by Adj Or at Wednesday, November 19, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Komputer, Tips dan Trik
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
NASA Pastikan Ada Air di Planet Mars
Ilmuan Badan Antariksa AS (NASA) mengatakan wahana Phoenix Mars tak lagi mengirimkan data ke bumi alias mati karena kekurangan sinar matahari sebagai sumber utama pembangkit listrik. Misi selama lima bulan dan berhasil mengumpulkan banyak data ilmiah mengenai planet merah akhirnya dinyatakan berakhir. Phoenix Mars sebenarnya beroperasi dua bulan lebih lama dari rencana yang disusun. Menurut Barry
Posted by Adj Or at Tuesday, November 11, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Lainnya
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Amrozi dkk Wafat di Ujung Peluru
Innalillahi wainna ilaihirojiun.... Tiga terpidana mati kasus Bom Bali I: Amrozi, Ali Gufron alias Mukhlas, dan Imam Samudra telah wafat dieksekusi mati dengan cara ditembak. Amrozi dkk yang ngebom Kuta - Bali pada Sabtu tengah malam, 12 Oktober 2002 didor oleh tiga regu tembak Brimob Polda Jateng pada Minggu, 9 November 2008 dini hari (pukul 01.15 Wita) bertempat di Lembah Nirbaya Nusakambangan,
Posted by Adj Or at Saturday, November 08, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Berita
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Dapat Award Nich....
Pagi-pagi buka blog sambil minum energen+roti (wah enak nich, ya ya lah...), eh ada jg fren2 yang udah berkunjung dan menyapa. Makasih banyak ya fren2 smua... O ya, hari ini ternyata ugiQ dapat award nich dari salah seorang temennya ugiQ, yaitu dari mas Keris Nugroho. Padahal menurut ugiQ blog ini blum pantas untuk menerima penghargaan (award) soalnya masih banyak kekurangan, ya namanya juga
Posted by Adj Or at Thursday, November 06, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Personal
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Semoga 2009 Harga BBM Turun !
Ada info gembira nich buat kita-kita semua dan rakyat Indonesia umumnya, katanya sih ada kemungkinan tahun 2009 harga BBM akan turun. Horeee.... Kita semua pasti menginginkannya, ya kan? Dan moga aja harganya beneran turun . Tadi pagi sambil saya sempat baca beritanya di koran. Nich kutipannya, Wakil Presiden kita yaitu Jusuf Kalla (JK) mengatakan apabila harga minyak dunia rata-rata berada di
Posted by Adj Or at Saturday, November 01, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Berita
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
WHat A Lucky Day!!!
We are the lucky ones
The 1st luck
we were planning to attend a Seminar of Cosmopolitan Campus To Campus (tepatnya di Peradilan Semu HUKUM USU), we got the invitation card to attend the Seminar, (we're so lucky), 'coz there're many coeds didn't get the invitation. and what made us luckier than them, it's b'coz the seminar is Totally free hahahaha...
The 2nd luck
The seminar would be held on wednesday at 10.00 a.m, and at that time we had a subject "Hukum Acara Perdata", started at 09.20 a.m to 10.45 a.m... and once again this is the lucky day hahaha... the lecture had a meeting to attend, so' our subject was just an hour, accordingly we could go to attend the seminar on time...
The 3rd luck
we got a goody bag!!! this is the most wanted stuff actually, we got a lot of goodies such as Biore, magazine, bear brand gold (susu beruang hahaha...), for only attending the seminar all the participants will get the goody bag...
But beside it all, the luckiest thing is we got a new horizon, and a concept of making an application, and how to attitude, and how to be a succes person, and definetily we're happy 'coz Fira Basuki is also there, 'Coz previously we merely just wanted to see her and of course grabbed the goody bag hahahaha......
I hope the another lucky day will constantly comes around!!!
Posted by Adj Or at Wednesday, October 29, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Campus to campus, cosmopolitan, Fira Basuki, USU
Es Dawet Obat Anti Mabuk
Saat ini kita tidak perlu khawatir jika harus bepergian jauh, terlebih buat anda yang sering mengalami mabuk kendaraan. Karena telah ditemukan fakta bahwa obat anti mabuk kendaraan yang paling efektif adalah es dawet. Tentunya ini sangat menggembirakan, because es dawet cukup mudah untuk diperoleh selain harganya yang relatif murah.Berikut cara pakainya:Sebelum anda naik kendaraan, belilah es
Posted by Adj Or at Wednesday, October 29, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Humor
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
consist of
1st, category 3 as WANNA BE (SPECIAL AWARDING)
2nd, category 9 as Most Fave FEMALE SINGER
So guys we need ur participation to make Agnes Monica as an ABSOLUTE WINNER
just click image above and choose category 3 and category 9 and then vote for Agnes Monica by clicking the white hole, It's easy guys!!! come on do It as one yippiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeee
I'm indeedly begging ur will to vote Agnes monica, 'coz she's worth to win, she's my only Diva, she got me much spirit and happyness, that's why I create this just for supporting her in her million times of awarding competition.
AGNES MONICA GRAB THE AWARD for both of categories yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Posted by Adj Or at Tuesday, October 21, 2008 0 comments
Labels: agNes monica, Indonesian kids choice awards, kids choice awards, most favourite female.
Matikan Komputer, Belajar Hemat Listrik
Jika udah selesai menggunakan komputer milik kita, sebaiknya langsung aja matikan. Jangan mematikan komputer hanya dalam posisi stand-by (siaga). Energi yang dipakai oleh satu komputer memang kecil, tetapi jika satu daerah dengan ribuan komputer dalam posisi yang sama, banyak juga lho yang terpakai. Ya nggak? Ternyata, tidak selamanya menyiagakan (stand by) komputer atau televisi dapat menghemat
Posted by Adj Or at Tuesday, October 21, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Komputer
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Agnes Monica "shake it off" official video
Agnes Monica Official video "Shake It Off"
This is the new video version of Agnes Monica performance in Asia Song Festival 2008
Posted by Adj Or at Wednesday, October 15, 2008 0 comments
Labels: agNes monica, asia song festival, shake it off, shake it off official video
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Rokok oooh Rokok
Ternyata rokok itu ibarat madu dan racun. Dikatakan madu, karena harus diakui bahwa rokok telah memberi kontribusi besar pada Negara, yang berupa pajak dan lapangan kerja. Bner bukan? Ya ya lah.... Disisi lain rokok bisa menjadi racun, karena rokok dapat merusak kesehatan. Ironis memang, ketika rokok dapat memberikan devisa untuk negara dan dapat menyerap tenaga kerja yang begitu besar, tetapi
Posted by Adj Or at Wednesday, October 08, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Humor
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
WHat a Show!!!
1st Performance "GODAI AKU LAGI"
2nd Performance "SHAKE IT OFF"
Enjoy guys it's worth to watch!!!
Posted by Adj Or at Tuesday, October 07, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
The awaited time for agnes monica's fans and agnes monica herself finally come, on october 4th ago agnes monica was shocking ASIA with her fabulous stage act, according to the schedule our Indonesian young Superdiva was listed to perform 2 songs at the festival, agnes monica presented a song with title "GODAI AKU LAGI" at the first performance, she appeared great as usual, and for the second performance she presented her very new single "Shake it off" it's an honor for ASIA SONG FESTIVAL 2008 since that's the first time she presented that song , agnes monica performed with an outstanding performance and all the audience gave her a hillarious response and a "wellcome mat", moreover the other performers gave her a standing ovation and big applaus for her mesmerizing stage act.
Agnes looked natural as an asian girl, it's perceptible from her appearance, she combined modern dance and traditional dance form BALI all at once in her second performance with her nu single "Shake it Off" and according to the video and articel all the audience loved that song.
Again and again, another great achievement for our young superdiva agnes monica, agnes monica grabbed the award as the Best Asian artist this is the highest achievement for Agnes monica thus far, and hopefully another great achievement will constantly come... we congrated her for winning the award, this award enrich her award collection.
and as usual Agnes monica always looks great and mesmerize, accordingly the audience will simply amazed by her stage act and her great powerfull voice.
Posted by Adj Or at Sunday, October 05, 2008 0 comments
Labels: agNes monica, asia song festival, asia song festival 2008, best asian female singer
Usai Lebaran, Nongol dan Ngeblog Lagi
Liburan mudik ke kampung halaman tercinta sungguh mengasyikkan, apalagi bisa ketemu ama semua keluarga, ama ortu, adik kakak, paman bibi, kakek nenek, temen-temen, dan satunya lagi ketemu ama yang spesial di hati alias pacar.... rasa rindu pun langsung terobati . Tapi sayang, kemarin dapat ketemu ama pacar cuma satu hari n beberapa menit aja . Sediiihhh.....! Kok bisa begitu, kenapa? Jawabannya:
Posted by Adj Or at Sunday, October 05, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
1st Senator
Name : Oline
Occupation : A Senator of HP Community
Hobby :Surfing NET, yapping At someone else hehehe...........
2nd Senator
Name : Randi-Can-Dare-A (namanya ribet kek orangnya)
Occupation : A Senator Of PEMAKE Corp
Hobby : Surfing NEt, Grumpy (suka mengeluh), Sleepu Head(Pengantuk)
3rd Senator
Name : D_Kheonk
Occupation : The 2nd Senator Of PEMAKE Corp
Hobby : Watching Aura Kasih Lipsync Live Show on TV, cherishing Her "Rebonding" Hair
at the day time shown at 12.00 a.m and we're just finished our subject, me and my friends Randi and kheonk were confirming about our plan to watch LASKAR PELANGI, subsequently, we agreed each other
27th September, the time we would watch the movie finally come, Randi sent me sms confirmed about watching the movie, at the time me still being in PI was buying some cloths for my mom, Rand told me that we would be at the theater at 12.00 a.m, thus make me not hurried to go home coz the time still 11.oo a.m, but suddenly, she told me that she's on the way to the theater with kheonk, and it got me panic and cranky, and then I let Them go first.
And Finally the time come, but previously i ordered the ticket to Randi, 'coz worried not be alloted ticket, and I arrived in MENPLAZ at 11.15 a.m I called them notified that i've been arrived, I met them in a shoes shopping center, and we both (me and Randi) bought sandals with price Rp 19.000,00 per couple, "pretty cheap" I love it 'coz the sandals were designed with BATIK looks. pretty good for pretty cheap sandal, and now let's skip about sandal (Slipper).
Right on 11.45 a.m We were queuing up in front of Plaza 4 (the plaza where the movie would be played), before we go into it, I looked around not too crowd just a few young couples surrounded us, and exactly 12.00 am we're allowed to go in, we're all got into the plaza 4 and we took place upper and 15 minutes then, THE MOVIE WAS PLAYED huuraaaaaaaaiiiiiiii........................
Since the firts part of the movie, it had been being so tastefull and I could feel what the movie wanted to tell about, I couldn't even depicted what I felt inside, All feeling mixed up, spirit, love, strengthness, strictness and much more include in, The movie is superb and savagely heartwarming, many things i got from the movie, definetely from start to finish the movie is absolutely perfect, i was even dripped my tears while watching the movie(jadi sedih) I'm Simply Captivated by the LASKAR PELANGI THE MOVIE,YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT GUYS, IT'S GREAT AND YOU WILL BE HIPNOTIZED TO BE A BETTER PERSON, I BET!!!
I sure the movie will grab and garner all the award as THE BEST MOVIE a long the year, and hope OSCAR would Wellcome the mOVie (INi karya anak bangsa yang paling keren), whereas previously I wasn't ever interested watching Local Movie, but LASKAR PELANGI, insist me to love Local Movie, and Insist me to say KARYA ANAK NEGERI EMANK OUKEH!!!
Great job for ANdrea Hirata, U're a Prodigy child for me, I'm Quite inspired by ur Laskar Pelangi, and for all the crew who've been created this unforgetable movie.........................................
It makes me proud to be myself, and inspiring me to soar my obsession and make it real....................
LOVE IT... LOVE IT.... LOVE IT..............................................................................................................


Watch The Original Movie Of LASKAR PELANGI and STOP PIRACY!!!
Posted by Adj Or at Sunday, September 28, 2008 0 comments
Labels: andrea hirata, film laskar pelangi, laskar pelangi, laskar pelangi the movie, nonton laskar pelangi
Friday, September 26, 2008
Mudik, Mudik, Mudik, Asyiiikkkk....
Ngomong-ngomong lebaran tinggal beberapa hari lagi nich... gak terasa ya?! Padahal bulan puasa alias ramadhan terasa baru beberapa hari aja, sungguh waktu begitu cepat berlalu Akhirnya ntar sore dapat terbang alias mudik juga nich ke kampung halaman tercinta dan terrrrrsayang (namanya juga tanah kelahiran, so pasti mencintai dan memujinya... ya nggak? Dasaarr.... )Dan kuliah udah libur, ya
Posted by Adj Or at Friday, September 26, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Personal
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Kiat Mencegah Gigi Berlubang
Gigi yang berlubang jika nggak dirawat dapat menimbulkan gigi keropos dan sekecil apapun lubang gigi sebaiknya dirawat. Ayo siapa yang giginya udah berlubang? Adapun untuk mencegah gigi berlubang beberapa kiat yang perlu diperhatikan, yaitu:1. Mengurangi makanan lengket seperti cokelat, dodol, permen dll.2. Rajin sikat gigi. Lakukan sikat gigi tiap selesai makan atau minimal 2 kali sehari yakni
Posted by Adj Or at Wednesday, September 24, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Lainnya
Monday, September 22, 2008
Tips Jitu Menghemat Pulsa HP
Kita semua pasti mau kalo pulsa kita irit pas dipake nelpon maupun SMS, ya kan? Mau tau caranya? Oke langsung aja, nich ada beberapa tips-tips jitu untuk menghemat pulsa HP:.:Pertama: hapuslah semua nomer yang ada di phonebook anda. Dengan bigitu anda pasti akan malas mengSMS ataupun menelpon seseorang. .:Kedua: rubahlah bahasa yang ada pada HP anda dengan bahasa yang anda tidak mengerti,
Posted by Adj Or at Monday, September 22, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Humor
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Tips Mencegah Bau Mulut Saat Berpuasa
Bau mulut saat puasa terjadi karena kekeringan di mulut akibat kurangnya cairan air ludah. Bakteri dalam mulut pun menjadi lebih banyak sehingga muncul bau mulut. Penyebab bau mulut bermacam-macam, contohnya karena penyakit kencing manis, tonsil yang membengkak atau makanan. Untuk menjaga agar mulut tetap segar saat puasa dan tidak menimbulkan bau yang berlebih, beberapa tips dapat dilakukan, ni
Posted by Adj Or at Saturday, September 20, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Ramadhan
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Mencegah Bau Apek pada Pakaian
Begitu kotor atau bersih kadang sebagian dari kita langsung aja kita tumpuk di sudut kamar. Mungkin juga kita selesai mencucinya lalu memasukkan ke dalam lemari begitu aja tanpa mengeceknya. Pernahkan? Aku aja sering... . Hal itu juga dapat bikin pakaian kita berjamur. Udara segar sangat baik untuk pakaian kita. Jangan lupa bahwa pakaian juga perlu bernafas seperti kita. Bernafas disini artinya,
Posted by Adj Or at Wednesday, September 17, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Tips dan Trik
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Tips & Trik HP Kemasukan Air
Selalu ada kemungkinan ponsel/HP terjatuh ke dalam air tanpa disengaja atau basah kuyup ketika Anda menerjang hujan. Padahal barang elektronik sangat rentan rusak jika terkena air. Sebelum Anda buru-buru memperbaikinya ke teknisi, ada baiknya Anda berusaha terlebih dahulu menyelamatkan ponsel itu. Siapa tahu ponsel Anda pulih tanpa ke "bengkel". Simak tips berikut ini yang dikutip detikNET dari
Posted by Adj Or at Saturday, September 13, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Tips dan Trik
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Taukah Anda Jenis-Jenis KB?
Anda mau tau jenis-jenis KB? Kali aja diantara kita belum tau jenis-jenis KB. Oke dech ni dia jenis-jenisnya: {1}. Kalo udah 5 tahun kawin, langsung punya 4 anak, itu berarti KB = KUMPUL BOCAH. {2}. Kalo 5 tahun kawin, anak cuma satu, itu berarti KB = KURANG BERGAIRAH. {3}. Kalau udah 5 tahun kawin, belum punya anak, itu berarti KB = KURANG BISA. {4}. Kalo 5 tahun pacaran, belum juga kawin
Posted by Adj Or at Thursday, September 11, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Humor
Belimbing Cegah Kanker
Buah belimbing memiliki banyak manfaat dan berkhasiat untuk mencegah berbagai penyakit. Di Indonesia dikenal ada dua jenis belimbing, yaitu belimbing buah yang manis rasanya dan belimbing sayur/wuluh yang asam. Belimbing wuluh sering digunakan sebagai pelengkap masakan. Umumnya belimbing manis berukuran besar, berwarna menarik, berserat halus dan memiliki rasa yang manis menyegarkan. Belimbing
Posted by Adj Or at Thursday, September 11, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Lainnya
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Lirik Lagu Ungu - Dengan NafasMu
{*}Izinkan ku ucap kata taubatSebelum kau memanggilkuKembali pada-Mu, menutup waktukuIzinkan ku serukan nama-MuSebelum nyawa dalam tubuhkuKau ambil, kembali pada-Mu {**}Karna ku tahu, hanyalah pada diri-MuTempatku mengadu, tempatku mengeluhDi dalam do'a ku{***}Dan demi nafas yang telah kau hembuskan dalam kehidupan kuKu berjanji, ku akan menjadi yang terbaikMenjalankan segala perintah-Mu,
Posted by Adj Or at Wednesday, September 10, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Lainnya
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Lirik Lagu Project Pop - Bukan Superstar
Andai aku Pasha UnguSemua wanita kan memburukuBila aku Ariel PeterpanKau yakin ngefans karena gue krenHaa...ha...ha...Sexy badannya...Mulan JameelaCantiknya dia seperti akuGiring Nidji sahabat akuDekat denganku..dialah akuTapi kenyataan aku bukan siapa-siapaKu ingin engkau mencintaiku apa adanyaReff:Ku bukan superstar kaya dan terkenalKu bukan saudagar yang punya banyak kapalKu bukan bangsawan,
Posted by Adj Or at Saturday, September 06, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Lainnya
Lirik Lagu Peterpan - Kisah Cintaku
Di malam yang sesunyi iniAku sendiri tiada yang menemaniAkhirnya kini kusadariDia telah pergi tinggalkan dirikuAdakah semua kan terulangKisah cintaku yang seperti duluHanya dirimu yang kucinta dan kukenangDi dalam hatiku takkan pernah hilangBayangan dirimu untuk selamanyaReff:Mengapa terjadi kepada dirimuAku tak percaya kau telah tiadaHaruskah ku pergi tinggalkan duniaAgar aku dapat berjumpa
Posted by Adj Or at Saturday, September 06, 2008 0 comments
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Lirik Lagu Peterpan - Walau Habis Terang
Ku terbiasa tersenyum tenangWalau aargh...Hatiku menangisKaulah ceritaTertulis dengan pastiSelamanya dalam pikirankuSelamanya........Peluk tubuhku untuk sejenakDan biarkan kita memudar dengan kasihBiarkan semua seperti seharusnyaTakkan pernah menjadi milikkuReff:Lupakan semuaTinggalkan iniKu kan tenangDan kau kan pergiBerjalanlah walau habis terangAmbil cahaya cinta kuterangi jalanmuDiantara
Posted by Adj Or at Saturday, September 06, 2008 0 comments
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Lirik Lagu Peterpan - Dilema Besar
Mula terasa lelah aku bertahanTerlalu lama kau terdiamTerlalu lama kau meredam.. cintaBerapa besar yang ku dapatkanTak selamanya ku mengalahTak selamanya ku diam...aaa...Reff:Bawa ku pergi dari iniDitempat kau berpalingDan bila ku pergi dari iniAkankah kau kembaliHarus berapa lama terus berjalanDalam hati tak teryakinkanSegalanya kan berubah oo..na..na..Back to reff:Ku dapat menerimaTapi tak
Posted by Adj Or at Saturday, September 06, 2008 0 comments
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Lirik Lagu ST12 - Puspa
Kau gadis ku yang cantikCoba liat aku disiniDisini ada aku yang cinta padamuKau gadis ku yang manisCoba liat aku disiniDisini ada aku yang sayang padamuWalau ku tau bahwa dirimuSudah ada yang punyaNamun aku tunggu sampai kau mauReff:Woo...woo...jangan jangan kau menolak cintakuJangan jangan kau ragukan hatikuKu kan selalu setia menungguUntuk jadi pacarmuWoo..woo.. jangan jangan kau tak terima
Posted by Adj Or at Saturday, September 06, 2008 0 comments
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Terimakasih yaa...
Terima kasih sudah menghubungi saya, jika tidak ada halangan saya akan segera membalasnya.
Posted by Adj Or at Saturday, September 06, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Marhaban Bulan Suci Ramadhan
M A R H A B A N _ Y AAA _ R A M A D H A N Alhamdulillah, pada tahun dan bulan ini kita kembali bertemu dengan tamu mulia bulan suci Ramadhan. Bulan yang penuh berkah, rahmat dan maghfirah, bulan diwajibkan shiyam (puasa) dan diturunkan Al-Qur'an sebagai hidayah untuk manusia.
Mari persiapkan diri sambut ramadhan. Siapkan diri secara maksimal dan siap segalanya, siap mental, fisik, materi,
Posted by Adj Or at Sunday, August 31, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Ramadhan
Friday, August 29, 2008
Meskipun Pahit, Pare atasi Beragam Penyakit
Tanaman atau buah pare memang pahit. Namun, dibalik rasa pahit itu ternyata tersimpan banyak manfaat untuk kesehatan. Buahnya mengandung albiminoid, karbohidrat, dan zat warna. Daunnya mengandung momordisina, momordina, karantina, resin dan minyak lemak. Akarnya mengandung asam momordial dan asam oleanolat. Bijinya mengandung saponin, alkaloid, triterprenoid, dan asam momordial.Khasiat buah pare
Posted by Adj Or at Friday, August 29, 2008 0 comments
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Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Ga' PeDe, Kenapa ya...?
Wah ini dia nich yang sering aku alami, kenapa ya? Ayo siapa yang pernah ngalami juga? Jujur aja...! he.. Pada suatu saat mungkin kita pernah merasa kurang rapi, kurang gagah, kurang cantik, kurang menarik, nggak pinter, atau kurang apa kek...(alias gak PeDe), tapi belum tentu orang-orang atau pun teman-teman kita akan berpikiran seperti itu ketika melihat kita. Nah diri kitalah yang sebenarnya
Posted by Adj Or at Wednesday, August 27, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Personal
Monday, August 25, 2008
I dun know. Do I measure it too High? But I really love the beauty of the color and the visual effect. I also respect all the whole crews who involved in making the Video clip GOOD JOB AGNES MONICA...... keep on going........Thousand Thumps Up for her
how do you think about tha video???
it's great, isn't it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Adj Or at Monday, August 25, 2008 0 comments
Labels: agNes monica, asia song festival, Godai aku lagi, video klip godai aku
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Sejarah Antara Masjid dan Nyamuk
Apakah bahasa inggrisnya masjid? Kita yang sudah tau pasti akan menjawab "Mosque"! Apakah Anda semua tau mengapa masjid bisa disebut mosque dalam bahasa inggris? Mungkin banyak yang belum mengetahuinya diantara kita, kayaknya ada hubungannya dengan nyamuk, ya kan? MOSQUE hampir sama dengan MOSQUITO alias nyamuk dalam bahasa inggris. Ya, dugaan kita betul, dan ternyata kata itu mengandung
Posted by Adj Or at Sunday, August 24, 2008 0 comments
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Cara Terampil untuk Berterima Kasih pada Orang
Tidaklah cukup bagi kita untuk merasa berterima kasih dan menghargai orang lain. Kita harus menunjukkan rasa terima kasih dan penghargaan itu kepada mereka yang pantas menerimanya. Mengapa? Karena kodrat manusialah bagi semua orang untuk menyukai dan menanggapi mereka yang menunjukkan rasa terima kasih dan penghargaan kepada mereka. Mereka menanggapinya dengan memberi jauh lebih besar. Nah disini
Posted by Adj Or at Sunday, August 24, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Tips dan Trik
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Waria Pun Ciptaan Tuhan
WARIA, lesbian, gay, biseksual, ada di masyarakat kita. Ada laki-laki yang kemayu seperti perempuan. Ada yang beristri, tetapi jika ibu-ibu ngrumpi ikut nimbrung. Fisiknya perempuan, penampilannya tomboi dan bertato. Ada yang memang dari sananya, ada yang karena lingkungan. Tono pekerja bengkel, malam bisa menjadi Tini saat main Arja Muani atau Ludruk. Masyarakatlah yang menciptakan mereka
Posted by Adj Or at Tuesday, August 19, 2008 0 comments
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Sunday, August 17, 2008
Hakikat Kemerdekaan
Alangkah pilu dan pedih melihat bangsa yang terjajah dan terampas kemerdekaannya. Negeri kita yang pernah dijajah Belanda 350 tahun lamanya, lalu dilanjutkan oleh penjajahan Jepang. Walau pun kini kita sudah merdeka selama 63 tahun, tetapi kita tetap terpuruk dalam ujian yang seakan tiada akhirnya. Karena kendati pun bangsa kita telah merdeka, ternyata sebagian besar pemimpin dan rakyatnya masih
Posted by Adj Or at Sunday, August 17, 2008 0 comments
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Saturday, August 16, 2008
10 Kebiasaan Buruk yang Merusak Otak
Otak manusia terdiri lebih dari 100 miliar syaraf yang masing-masing terkait dengan 10 ribu syaraf lain. Bayangkan, dengan kerumitan otak seperti itu, maka Anda wajib menyayangi otak Anda cukup dengan menghindari kebiasaan-kebiasaan buruk yang sering disepelekan. Otak adalah organ tubuh vital yang merupakan pusat pengendali sistem syaraf pusat. Otak mengatur dan mengkordinir sebagian besar
Posted by Adj Or at Saturday, August 16, 2008 0 comments
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Sehat dengan kacang kedelai
Kedelai merupakan makanan rakyat. Selain harganya murah juga mudah didapat dan berkhasiat. Kedelai bisa diolah menjadi kembang tahu, susu, tahu, ampas tahu, tempe, dan tauge. Kedelai mengandung air, kalori, protein, hydrocarbon, zat besi, vitamin A, B, B1, B2, kalsium, sodium, phosphorus, fatty acid, niacin, dan linoleic acid. Khasiat olahan kedelai : 1. kembang tahu atau tahu berkhasiat mencegah
Posted by Adj Or at Saturday, August 16, 2008 0 comments
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Pentingnya Tidur
Menurut sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa Kendry Clay dan penasihat fakultas Daniel Taylor dari University of North Texas, mahasiswa yang bangun lebih pagi memiliki Index Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) yang lebih tinggi, sementara mereka yang suka begadang memiliki IPK yang lebih rendah. Studi ini dilakukan kepada 624 mahasiswa yang mengikuti kursus psikologi; partisipan mengisi survey
Posted by Adj Or at Saturday, August 16, 2008 0 comments
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Manfaat Air Putih bagi Tubuh
Air adalah sumber kehidupan bagi semua makhluk. Tidak akan ada yang mampu hidup dalam ketiadaan air, dan manfaatnya tak pernah terhitung lagi banyaknya. Khusus untuk tubuh manusia, air putih mempunyai 4 fungsi utama, yaitu : 1. Menjaga kelembapan organ di dalam tubuh. 2. Untuk menjaga agar darah dan getah bening dalam tubuh mempunyai volume dan kekentalan yang cukup. 3. Untuk mengatur suhu tubuh.
Posted by Adj Or at Saturday, August 16, 2008 0 comments
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Bahaya Minum Es setelah Berolahraga
Kebiasaan meminum es setelah berolahraga memang sangat menyegarkan. Tapi, siapa sangka bila kebiasaan itu bisa merusak metabolisme tubuh. Saat minum, memang terasa segar. Namun, tak jarang setelah minum es ada yang merasa mual dan pusing, serta suhu badang menurun. Suhu minuman yang ideal sebaiknya agak dingin, sekitar 5-10 derajat C. Pasalnya, pada suhu tersebut, cairan mudah diserap sehingga
Posted by Adj Or at Saturday, August 16, 2008 0 comments
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TTM (Tua Tapi Mesra)
Sepasang kakek-nenek datang kerestoran Mc Donald dengan saling menuntun. Mereka duduk disebuah bangku panjang berdua, disampingku. Si kakek segera berdiri dan memesan makanan, sebuah hamburger, seporsi kentang goreng dan segelas minuman. Setelah itu kembali duduk, membagi hamburger jadi 2 bagian, menghitung kentang goreng dengan cermat dan membagi adil dengan si nenek, kemudian mengambil dua
Posted by Adj Or at Saturday, August 16, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Humor
Si Gila dan Si Bodoh
Suatu hari, Samijan yang mahasiswa psikologi bersama ketiga temannya datang ke sebuah Rumah Sakit Jiwa untuk mengadakan penelitian kejiwaan disana. Samijan kebetulan dapat pinjaman mobil mewah baru ayahnya. Dengan bangga ia mengendarai mobil baru bersama teman-temannya. Sepulang dari penelitian, tiba-tiba ban mobil Samijan kempes tepat di dekat pintu gerbang Rumah Sakit Jiwa. Samijan pun turun
Posted by Adj Or at Saturday, August 16, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Humor
Tips E-mail ( CC dan BCC )
Mengirimkan pesan menggunakan surat elektronik (email) bagi beberapa orang bisa jadi menjadi rutinitas dalam pekerjaan. Ada kalanya kita mengirimkan email tersebut dengan beberapa kondisi pengiriman yang berbeda, misalnya: * Mengirimkan email kepada satu orang * Mengirimkan email untuk beberapa orang sekaligus, atau * Mengirimkan email kepada seseorang/beberapa orang sekaligus dan juga
Posted by Adj Or at Saturday, August 16, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Internet, Tips dan Trik
10 Cara Memilih Makanan Sehat
Siapa sih yang tak mau hidup sehat? Semua orang pasti ingin menjalani kehidupan sehat jasmani dan rohani. Menuju hidup sehat dapat ditempuh dengan banyak cara. Salah satunya lewat pola makan kita. Menurut para ahli, kunci jadi sehat adalah mengkonsumsi makanan dengan gizi seimbang. Singkatnya, kita bisa mengkonsumsi berbagai jenis makanan yang tak hanya mengandung banyak kalori tapi kaya nutrisi.
Posted by Adj Or at Saturday, August 16, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Lainnya
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Agnes Monica Goes to ASIA SONG FESTIVAL
What : 2008 Asia Song Festival
Where : Seoul World Cup Stadium, South Korea
When : October 3-5, 2008
2008 is the year of the 5th annual Asia Song Festival,
a music festival bringing together artists from all over Asia.
Artists participating the 2008 Asia Song Festival are as follows,
and their representing countries are noted.
2008 Performing Artists:
South Korea: TVXQ, Girls' Generation, SHINee
Japan: w-inds., Berryz Kobo
China: Anson Hu
Taiwan: Fahrenheit, Yoga Lin
Hong Kong: Karen Mok
Thailand: ICE, PECK
Vietnam: Ho Quynh Huong
Philippines: Rivermaya
Indonesia: Agnes Monica



Singapore: Jocie Guo Mei Mei
Mongolia: BX
Malaysia: Rynn Lim
Eve Concert Performers: October 3, 2008 from 6-10pm
South Korea: SHINee
Japan: Berryz Kobo
Taiwan: Yoga Lin
Thailand: PECK
Singapore: Jocie Guo Mei Mei
Mongolia: BX
Malaysia: Rynn Lim
Main Concert Performers: October 4, 2008 from 6-10pm
South Korea: TVXQ, Girls' Generation, SHINee
Japan: w-inds., Berryz Kobo
China: Anson Hu
Taiwan: Fahrenheit
Hong Kong: Karen Mok
Thailand: ICE
Vietnam: Ho Quynh Huong
Philippines: Rivermaya
Indonesia: Agnes Monica






Hosts: Korea Foundation for International Culture Exchange, Seoul Metropolitan City
Sponsors: Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Korea Tourism Organization
More information regarding the festival can be found at its website
(http://asf.kofice.or.kr )
in Korean, Japanese, Chinese or English.
Good Luck for AGNES MONICA..............
Posted by Adj Or at Saturday, August 09, 2008 0 comments
Labels: agNes monica, asia song festival, asian best singer, asianfanatics, the wondeer woman
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
a Bit Profile Of AgNEZ moNica
Having started her singing career at a wee age, music has become an inseparable part of Agnes Monica’s life. Her success both as a singer and an actres has brought her fame, not only in her homeland, Indonesia (where she has won countless music and screen awards), but also in neighboring Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines. Moreover, her on-screen collaborations with Jerry Yan (a quarter of the famous F4) and Peter Ho, have opened up doors for greater success in Taiwan, Mainland China, and the rest of the Asia-Pacific region. Agnes Monica is one of the fastest rising Asian celebrities; the climbing number of hits on her agnezone.com website bears testimony of her natural superstar energy.
Born into a Chinese-background family in multi-cultural, diverse Indonesia, Agnes grew up immersing herself in the many different cultures and traditions surrounding and existing in her flesh and blood. Over the years, her own-written music has grown on to take in these cultural and traditional influences. Not only that, such exposure to diversity has made it easy for her to incorporate world rhythms into her music. Latin, soul, rhythm and blues, and rap are only some of the highlights that one may listen to in her songs, performed equally-well in Bahasa Indonesia and English. Continuously trying to improve her vocal and piano skills as well as exploring the potential of the Chinese language and culture, the diversity and harmony of Agnes’ existence has made her one of the most versatile and powerful performers around.
Agnes’ keenness in R&B music is not only apparent in her musical preference (she notes Timbaland, Danja, Fantasia, Mary J Blige, Usher, and Beyonce as her favorites and sources of inspiration), but also in her desire to strive for an international career. Recent collaboration with Keith Martin in her last album “Whaddup A…” demonstrated her eagerness, facility and professionalism in teaming-up with international artists to create beautiful, powerful music. In the USA, Agnes is seeking to expand her passion for R&B where the production and market for this type of music is the largest in the world. Her natural attractive Asian looks; her diverse traditional and cultural upbringing; her powerful singing, dancing and acting talents; and her proven quality and continuous progress in R&B music-making… These are key elements for the birth of a new international star…
Away from music and acting, Agnes recognizes the potential of her celebrity status within the community and society. As the United States Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) Anti-drug Ambassador to the Asia-Pacific region, Agnes often delivers speeches and campaigns against drug abuse, particularly among youths. Her interest in issues and problems confronting children and youths has also brought her to dedicate time and effort for social and community causes in Indonesia, stating that many lessons can be learned from children and youths. To Agnes, children and youths are the dream of a nation. And what is life without a dream…? What is life without the passionate desire to be better…? In the music business, dreaming big is essential; but for Agnes, this dream is made real by combining it with passion and talent
Chapter one - First touch with the entertainment world
Born in July 1st 1986. She is names Agnes Monica Muljoto. Now, she is well known as Agnes Monica. Even tough she was a child, everyone have recognized that she is different compared to other children. While other children spend their day with playing with others, she already started her hard work. She became a singer and released 3 album called “Si Meong, Yess and Bala-bala”. And not enough with that career she became a presenter in VAN (Video Anak Anteve), Tralala-Trilili in RCTI and Diva Romeo in Trans TV. And her hard work got the prize on 1999 she got an award from Panasonic Awards. She became the most favorite children presenter for her work at tralala trilili and the award she received is not stopping but get more and more every year.
• Chapter two - Being successful
When she was 15 years old, not only she played in a very big hit series called “ Pernikahan Dini ” but also she is trusted to sing the series theme song. The series itself is a big test for her. Because In the series she had to act as a teenager who got married by accident and has a child. This role is surely hard to act because she is only 15. But once again she proves that she is a real actress .As the result for her role in “Pernikahan Dini” series she got 4 awards which are :The most popular drama series by viewers choice and most favorite drama actress in 2001 from Panasonic Awards , then in 2002 she got Most popular drama and again most favorite drama actress. And of course when you become a successful actress you will get lot of gossips around you because of for playing in this series is she is said to be one of the most expensive highly paid actress. The year 2002 surely a very busy year for her, she acted in 3 series “Lupus”, “ Kejarlah Daku Kau Kutangkap” and “ Amanda”. For additional information “Kejarlah Daku kau Kutangkap” is a remake from Indonesia best seller movie. In 2003 it’s a busier year to her. She is not only continuing her acting career but also released an album. Her first adult album called “ the Story Goes”. The album is really shows her mature skill in singing, look at her voice in the song “ Jera”, “ Ku tlah jatuh cinta “ and “ Bilang Saja “ . A lot of big singer help her to made this album, Ahmad Dhani, Abdee Slank and Titi DJ. The series she played in this year are “ Cewekku Jutek” which also included her song “ Indah” for the theme song and “ Kau yang terindah”. In this year she got 1 award from Panasonic Award for Best Actress. Some things just get better with age, like wines or Agnes Monica. In 2004,she become more popular. She played in 2 series “ Bunga Perawan” and “ Cantik”. In addition this year she planned to go international. She started it with winning an award from Planet Music Awards, Singapore for New Female Artist Awards, then get along with that she got 3 more awards from AMI Samsung 2004 for her music career Best duo for her collaboration with Ahmad Dhani, Best singer, and Best dance and techno for her song Bilang Saja plus an award from SCTV Award for her acting in Cantik. In 2005, she released her second album titled ‘ Whaddup A ‘. She said that this album is definitely showing her style. In this album, she collaborate with Us Singer Keith Martin. Although I have to say that “ What They Called Soul mate “ is better than the one that Keith Martin write. This album is a defined success. Her 2 singles Bukan Milikkmu Lagi and Tanpa Kekasihku has became number 1 in MTV AMPUH. Also, in 2006 her 2 international series has aired. Although it created pros and contras. Still this is a great movement from her.
• Chapter three - Her style, Her performances
Nowadays, Agnes Monica has become Indonesia role model. She changes her style so many times. And many people are following her style. From her series Amanda she influence people to use preppy look for their style and then don’t forget about her hairstyle. Because of Amanda series her hairstyle becomes so famous. I have experienced it myself, once when I was in a salon I heard one of the customer said this “ Do you know Amanda style? Well I want my hair to be like her”. Not just for the series, her casual style also influenced people. She usually wears tank top. Now, when you want to try to find a white tank top just ask the shopkeeper” Do you have Agnes Monica tank top?” and they will understand that. Performances. That’s what make people really wait for her. Her performance always perfect. When people decide to watch an artist to perform, they always want the artist performances become perfect includes their style, their voice and as well their communication with the audience. And when you watch Agnes Monica you will get all of that. She always powerful at the stage, singing, dancing she can do both of that perfectly. And not many Indonesian artists who can dance perfectly like American artist such as Britney Spears. Once I remembered she ever sang Britney’s Song called “Me against the Music” and she sang it better than her.
• Chapter Four - Her religious side
One thing that makes people really favor Agnes is because although she is a big actress she never forgets her GOD. Unlike the other actress who likes to hide their religious side, Agnes is not like that. In every awards she accept she never forget to thank her savior JESUS CHRIST. She ver said once: All I got now is from GOD, so I have to return it again to GOD” Well, I think that’s what I can write for now. But I assure you that although this biography is finish but her career is still a long way to go. And this biography will continued when she succeeded entering the international world. Way to go GIRL!!!
Agnes Monica- a Phenomenon and “What a Funky Lady!!!”
• Chapter 5 – Copycat ?
This is a serious issue among people who watch Agnes. Peoples always compare her with Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. And sometimes in the interview there’s always this cliché question “how do Agnes feel to be compared with Britney Spears? “. I get tired with this question and I’m really wondering Does Agnes feel the same about the question. I’m saying this not because I’m one of her fans. Being fans doesn’t mean you have to stop criticizing right. STOP COMPARING HER. Peoples have to understand that Agnes Monica is Agnes Monica. What are the thing that made people think she is a copy cat?
this is the most ridiculous argument that I ever heard. What’s wrong with her clothes by the way ? Because of she is wearing tank top then it means she is copying Britney style ? If you say yes, then I have to say that all the people in Indonesia is Britney Spears impersonator. I believe in every mall you are going to see peoples with tank top. Do they copying Britney style? I don’t think so. For me, the clothes that we wear can not tell others what we are actually like. If you are the one who rate someone based on her clothes. Change it, because you have become a person who rates other against their appearance. I believe everyone have their own right to choose what they wear.
this is one of the biggest issue. Agnes said to be a copycat because she also dances. Cliché. again ! What’s wrong about her dance? I think dancing is something that expressing yourself. And everyone free to dance. If Agnes is copying Britney, then all the women in the aerobic class also copying Britney. Since from what I see some of Britney moves contain Aerobic movement.
• Chapter 6 – Go International - Hopeless Dream ??
Agnes has played in 2 international series. One with Peter Ho and the other with Jerry Yan. Well, in my point of view her progress is right. When Agnes decided to go international. It means, she has to let go her superstar status in Indonesia. And she did it.
Accepting that you are nobody in the international world is a must. I’m not telling that you have to be pessimistic. Nope, that’s not what I mean. If you still holding your superstar status, you wont be success. Let’s take a look at Agnes journey first.
In her first international series Romance in the White House she played in several episodes only then in The Hospital she played in more episodes than in the RITWH. If Agnes still holding her status and extremely proud of it, she wont take the chance in the 2 series. Compared to her condition in Indonesia where she always is the leading actress, her appearance in the 2 international series will look so small. But that’s the sacrifice that she has to take. Nobody wont respect her if she doesn’t start from the bottom. And that what she did.
Back to what I write. Why if you still holding the superstar status you won’t be success? Because when you think yourself as a superstar you won’t sacrifice. You will always want to be number one in every situation without realizing that it is an impossible think. Although you are a superstar in Indonesia, you are no one in the international world.
People with narrow minded will think Agnes roles in this 2 series means nothing because she is not the leading role.
So, I don’t think go international is a hopeless dream. It is something that all the actor and actress in Indonesia should have if they want to be success in the international world. And for me, Agnes already has the packages to be successful. And it just a matter of time.
• Chapter 7 – Inspiration
Agnes definitely has a lot of fans nowadays. Why? There is a lot of actress in Indonesia. Why it has to be Agnes Monica? Agnes is a successful teenager. And her thought, her achievement encourage others to do the same. Some of the fans ever told me, that Agnes inspire them. Take sport as an example. Agnes likes to do sport and this thing makes some of her fans doing the same. The way she speak up her mind, it made the fans dare to speak whatever they have in their mind. Her hard work, she definitely has a very busy schedule. But she still managed to do it and not forgetting her education. This thing gives spirit to the fans to do the entire thing that has become their duty and does it rightly.
Agnes Monica – still a phenomenon and a funky lady!
Created by : northern_st4r
Posted by Adj Or at Wednesday, May 21, 2008 0 comments
Labels: agNes monica, Agnes Monica Biodata, Agnes Monica Profile, Agnes Monica Sexy
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Britney Relaxes at Alicia Keys Concert in L.A.
The relaxing Moment of Britney Spears
Expected To attend a Tuesday progress review hearing in Los Angeles family court with her ex, Kevin Federline, Spears decided to have a little fun first.
The singer arrived at the Staples Center at 8:30 p.m. with mom Lynne, her assistant, and two bodyguards and parked in an underground VIP parking lot to avoid photographers. There was no sign of sister Jamie Lynh Spears, who just Celebrating her baby shower with her big sis in Kentwood, La., last weekend.
Spears – who according to one onlooker looked pretty and seemed psyched to be there – missed the opening act, Ne-Yo, but got there in time to clap when Keys took the stage and to get up and bop to the tunes.
Posted by Adj Or at Tuesday, May 13, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Alicia Keys, Britney spears, hot britney, music corner, relaxe, sexy britney
Justin Timberlake
Justin Timberlake (Justin Randall Timberlake) was born on January 31, 1981 is an American pop and R&B singer, SOng Writer, record producer, dancer, and acto He came to fame as the lead singer of pop boy band 'N Sync and has won four Grammy Awards as well as an Emmy award. In 2002, he released his debut solo Album, Justified, which sold over seven million copies worldwide.
Timberlake's second solo release, FutureSex/LoveSounds, was released in 2006 with the U.S. number-one hit singles "SexyBack", "My Love", and "What Goes Around... Comes Around". With his first two albums, Timberlake has sold over 15 million albums worldwide. He has started a record label called Tennman records.
Timberlake was a member of the popular 1990s boy band, 'N Sync, and was considered a teen idol. The group formed in 1995 and started their career 1996 in Germany and hit it big in the States two years later in 1998, eventually releasing the fastest-selling album of all time, No Strings Attached in 2000.
In 2002, after the completion of their Celebrity Tour and release of "Girlfriend", the third single from their 2001 album Celebrity, the group decided to take time off, at which point Timberlake began work on his first solo album.
Looking back at those days concerning the management by Lou Pearlman, Timberlake said 24 September 2006 in an interview with magazine Rolling STone: "I was being monetarily raped by a Svengali".
Posted by Adj Or at Tuesday, May 13, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Justin Timberlake
Britney Spears
Will Britney Go Home Again?
Could Britney Spears be heading back home to Louisiana?
Yes, we hear exclusively that the popstress has promised her little sister that she'd return home to Kentwood, La., when Jamie Lynn gives birth. We hear the official due date is June 29.
"At the baby shower, she told her little sister she wanted to be there for her the entire time," said a friend close to the Spears family. "I'm not sure how Casey is going to feel about that. But Jamie Lynn seems pretty excited."
There's just one hitch.
Well, we understand that, given Brit's recent mischief-making past. But do our insiders really think he might stop Brit from going?
"Oh, probably not," said the Britney pal. "It would be pretty coldhearted to say no." Sounds like Jamie Lynn may be getting some help from sis when the baby comes.
Posted by Adj Or at Tuesday, May 13, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Britney spears