<div id="article-body" readability="85.8601667736"> <dl id="article_image" onclick="openImage(3328531)"><dt><img src="http://images.suite101.com/3328534_com_5558293335.jpg" alt="Maybe Adding Miley Cyrus May Help Bieber Mag Sales - Photo Image by Hapless Full" title="Maybe Adding Miley Cyrus May Help Bieber Mag Sales - Photo Image by Hapless Full" /></dt> <dd>Maybe Adding Miley Cyrus May Help Bieber Mag Sales - <em>Photo Image by Hapless Full</em></dd> </dl><p> Justin Bieber can do lots of things but he can't sell magazines. Or so it seems as Vanity Fair has poor sales with Bieber on cover. Other mags did, too. </p> <p>The Audit Bureau of Circulation's Rapid Report released on July 5, 2011 has detailed a chink in the armor of singer Justin Bieber. The 17-year-old Canadian pop star has built up a massive following with 10 million followers on Twitter and sets records on Youtube and other social media. Those are unassailable successes for him.</p> <p>But he has a weakness: magazine sales.</p> <p>The ABC Rapid Report details sales of the February issue of 'Vanity Fair' with Bieber's lipstick covered face on the cover and the numbers, reported widely by newspapers like the Washington Post, and info sites, are downright bad. The report's numbers indicate the issue is one of the poorest selling for the magazine in two decades and may be the worst selling since Will Smith was on the cover 12 years ago.</p> <p><strong>Teen Girls Don't Buy 'Vanity Fair</strong>'</p> <p>It seems clear the low number, 246,000 copies of the magazine that has his face on the cover had sold at the time the figures were compiled, are a result of 'Vanity Fair' not exactly being fare for preteen and teenage girls, the young persons flocking to watch his movie <em>Justin Bieber: Never Say Never </em>multiple times and who are purchasing his music in the millions.</p> <p>But wait, as the 'USA Today' reports, it's not just Vanity Fair that experienced a decline in sales after putting Bieber on the cover. His 'Teen Vogue' cover sold some 12 percent fewer copies than their average for 2010 - the issue came out in October of 2010 - and his 'People' magazine cover was 25 percent below the average of that magazine's more usual sales.</p> <h3 class="dynamic">Justin Bieber Sells Records, Film Tickets</h3> <p>Those are not great numbers, and while 'People' magazine might be, like 'Vanity Fair', a mag that is not exactly within his demographic, certainly 'Teen Vogue' is, if not directly in it, then within the range. Why is this occurring? There seems no one out there with a theory as to why he's not a big draw to the magazine buying public, though there are suggestions his popularity might be on the wane.</p> <p>That theory, however, is not being supported by his continued sales in other areas, including record sales and film tickets where recently he has had big successes. It may be, and this is the thought here, that beyond 'Tiger Beat,' magazine's are simply not the method of receiving information for his fans. Combine that with the possibility that non-Justin Bieber fans may feel a little inundated by his image and so avoid it.</p> <p>In any case it seems early yet to report the slackening of Bieber Fever.</p> <div id="copyright" readability="5.90361445783"> Copyright Marcus Hondro. Contact the author to obtain permission for republication.</div> <div readability="5.60106382979"> <div id="author-credentials" readability="6.89361702128"> <img id="author-image" src="http://images.suite101.com/1846140_com_may2010027.jpg" alt="Canadian actor Hondro writes about many subjects., James N. Hondro" title="Canadian actor Hondro writes about many subjects." height="133" width="100" /><p>Marcus Hondro - </p><p>Marcus Hondro is a wide-ranging writer and actor based near Vancouver, Canada.</p> <img src="http://graphics.suite101.com/rss_16.png" /> </div> </div> </div>
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