Saturday, July 17, 2010

Justin Bieber More Popular than Lady Gaga?

There always seems to be a tough battle of the pop stars. After all, the pop stars dominate the Billboard top 100 and get into the hearts of many.
Lady Gaga had arguably one of the best debut years of all pop stars. Justin Bieber was backed by Usher and was getting buzz on YouTube before his first single came out.
Now it is official; Justin Bieber is now more popular in terms of YouTube videos than the always controversial Lady Gaga.
Not only did Bieber surpass Lady Gaga, but he surpassed all of the YouTube videos. On Thursday, the music video for his single, "Baby," had 245,746,720 views while Gaga’s "Bad Romance" had 245,596,709 views.
Artists do not have to be in the industry for a long time before they have a strong devoted fan base like these two artists.
Justin Bieber, at age 16, is already one of the top names in the music business. Gaga commands a very large fan base as well and only time will tell as to who gets the most views on YouTube and is the most popular pop artist over the next several years.
Bieber has certainly won this battle, but he has not yet won the war.


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